
Gum problems come in many forms – including:

1) Bleeding Gums.
2) Sore or Painful Gums.
3) Swollen Guns.
4) Painful Abscesses
5) Receding Gums
6) Teeth Loose in Gums
7) Gingivitis or Periodontitis

For more details – CLICK HERE

What can I do?

Gum problems are frequently caused by harmful bacteria. It’s important to destroy oral bacteria that causes gum disease. This doesn’t have to mean expensive dental treatment, as there are other options available to you, including an entirely natural home treatment – To see how this works – CLICK HERE

Do gum problems go away?

If your gum problems are caused by bad bacteria (which 75% of adults will encounter at some point in their lives) then the answer is no. Gum disease requires you to take action to avoid the situation getting worse.

Whether your gum disease seems manageable, or is causing significant pain, doing nothing is not an option.

Failure to act can result in loose or lost teeth, if allowed to deteriorate in the hope that your gum disease will go away.

Can My Dentist Help?

Your dentist can certainly report on the condition of your gums. If your gum problems have been caused by ineffective or incomplete dental work, then it’s your dentist’s job to put things right.

However, although dentists offer a range of treatments for gum problems caused by gum disease, these are expensive and invasive, but don’t have a lasting effect.

dentist surgery

Why Can’t Dentists Fix Gum Problems?

In the case of gum problems caused by badly fitting dentures, crowns and braces, or other dental work that isn’t working correctly, your dentist is the best person to correct these issues.

In the case of gum problems caused by gum disease (as listed above) your dentist is unable to permanently destroy your bad oral bacteria. So treatments offered can only give temporary relief.

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What causes gum problems?

Issues with your gums can occur due to natural causes or as a result of dental work. These include the following:

– Gum problems after menopause
– Gum problems after wisdom teeth removal
– Gum problems after pregnancy
– Gum problems after tooth extraction
– Gum problems after dental implant
– Gum problems after root canal
– Gum problems after crown
– Gum problems and diabetes
– Gum problems and pregnancy
– Gum problems after braces
– Gum problems after veneers

Those were some popular Internet searches relating to issues with gums caused by dental treatment, illness or pregnancy… you should seek advice from your dental or medical practitioners to resolve these problems.

Why do my gums bleed?

If you spit blood after brushing, this usually means your gums are infected. This can be an early sign of gum disease, and you should take steps to eliminate your bleeding gums, to prevent further deterioration. Some people have gained relief from bleeding gums by using Dental Pro 7 (to see case studies CLICK HERE)

Swollen guns around my teeth

Swollen gums are often caused by dental works such as root canal, or the fitting of crowns, dentures etc. Where there is significant existing dental work, which is creating pressure or gum movement, swollen gums can be the result.

If dental work is not the cause, then it’s quite likely that gum disease is the root of your problem.

See the foot of this page for full details of a natural treatment for swollen gums caused by gum disease…

Why are my gums painful?

Healthy gums should be pink and pain free. If you’re experiencing pain deep inside your gums, you might have an abscess, or swollen gums could be pressing on a nerve.

If it’s clear your gum pain is not due to incomplete dental treatment (badly fitting dentures, braces, crowns, or other invasive work) it’s highly likely there’s gum disease activity within your gums.

If this is the case, you will need a reliable ongoing treatment that effectively destroys your oral bacteria, which is the cause of gum disease.

The symptoms of gum disease won’t stop until the underlying problem deep within your gums is successfully treated.

What causes receding gums?

Gums can recede due to harsh brushing, ill fitting dentures or braces, and can commonly be a symptom of gum disease.

If your gums shrink back, and you are confident that your receding gums are not the result of incomplete or deficient dental work, you should investigate the likelihood that gum disease is a factor.

By eliminating the bad bacteria in your mouth, it’s possible to reduce, or even reverse the damage caused by receding gums.

To see how this might work CLICK HERE

 brush-teethLoose teeth in adults – and a potential solution

Loose teeth in adults can be caused by a sudden impact to the jaw, ill fitting dentures, bridge work, or other dental care that is incomplete. It can also be caused by gum disease.

If gum disease has weakened your gum’s grip on a tooth (or teeth), it’s important to act quickly, or you may soon lose that tooth while eating something crisp or chewy (like an apple, or gum).

Destroying your gum disease cannot be achieved by your dentist. In spite of undergoing painful and expensive treatment, where your dentist digs down under your gums with sharp instruments, the results can only be temporary.

For an ongoing, effective and natural solution, at a fraction of your dentists bills, you can treat your gum disease at home, without fear the problem will re-occur.

Over time, by healing your gums naturally, while eating sensibly to avoid creating pressure on the loose tooth, you may find that your gums resume their original grip. While this method is frequently successful, it’s not necessarily completely foolproof.  A sensible strategy would be to explore this option further.

You can read full details together with case studies by clicking HERE

My regular toothpaste works against gum disease


Your regular toothpaste may claim to be effective against gum disease. However, if you have guns that are showing symptoms of gum disease (as listed above) clearly, it’s not working.

To get rid of gum disease, you will need to use something with much greater power to destroy and control harmful oral bacteria.

Your regular toothpaste, contains many chemicals and ingredients, which are not beneficial to tender gums that are displaying symptoms of gum disease.

At the bottom of this page, you will find details of a natural home remedy that will not only destroy bad bacteria, but will also keep it under control on an ongoing basis.

Gum problems are being helped with Dental Pro 7

Okay, so you have a problem with your gums, and you’ve identified quite clearly that you’re suffering from symptoms of gum disease.

Repeated here for clarity:
1) Bleeding Gums.
2) Sore or Painful Gums.
3) Swollen gums.
4) Painful Abscesses
5) Receding Gums
6) Teeth Loose in Gums
7) Gingivitis or Periodontitis

… and you can add in chronic bad breath to the list for good measure.

Naturally, you will make an appointment with your dentist. But as previously discussed, your dentist is unable to fix gum disease, even though he/she will tell you he can. Scraping away infectious matter from inside your gums, may bring short-term relief, but it’s not a long term fix.

As the infection will still be there, albeit reduced, harmful bacteria in your mouth will soon reinfect your gums.

There is a much easier way to deal with gum disease. This method is not invasive, and can be administered by you at home, with complete privacy, as nobody else will know about your situation.

Dental Pro 7 is a natural remedy, that works effectively to destroy harmful bacteria, and will keep doing so, if you continue using it – so preventing the return of unpleasant gum disease symptoms.

As Dental Pro 7 is oil-based, it seeps down deep below the gum line to attack your gum disease, which brushing and flossing is unable to do.

There are many people who have successfully used Dental Pro 7, and there are a number of case studies on the Dental Pro 7 website. To read those now > > > CLICK HERE

These are your three options…

1) If you do nothing, gum disease will continue to eat away at your jaw bone. Over time, you will run the risk that teeth could become loose and even fall out. Doing nothing is not a good option.

2) Your dentist will of you surgical treatments, such as deep cleaning, which may have some temporary benefit, but it’s not a long-term solution.

3) Using Dental Pro 7 on a regular basis destroys harmful oral bacteria, and attacks gum disease, allowing gums to recover.

Dental Pro 7 is only available from the manufacturer. You can’t obtain it from Amazon, eBay or any retail outlet. The manufacturer ships worldwide, and it will be delivered to your door in the shortest possible time.

Get all the details, and read case studies and feedback by clicking through to the Dental Pro 7 website here > > > Dental Pro 7 Website

We hope you have found this page interesting and helpful, and wish you good health for the future…