I Always Feel Tired but This Simple Remedy Might Help

I always feel tired, is something you hear all the time. Many people have whole days when they stumble around, not being very efficient in what they do.

Ask them if they’re okay, and you get the answer – I always feel tired – and tiredness could be dangerous if operating machinery, or driving.

The reason so often, is either lack of sleep, or difficulty nodding off, and lying awake struggling to drift away into deep slumbers. So you may find you wake up the next morning, without the wonderful luxury of a revitalising night of satisfying untroubled sleep.

I have a novel suggestion for helping those people who say “I always feel tired” – which I will tell you about at the end of this article…


I always feel tired

I Always Feel Tired First Thing in the Morning
Most People Feel Tired on Waking Don’t They?

It’s normal to feel a little drowsy on waking, but any drowsiness should clear quickly, as you stretch and your thoughts become busy.

If you’re feeling like last night’s sleep hasn’t recharged your batteries, it’s time to look at what’s happening.

Lack of sleep, or too little sleep, can have quite serious effects on your ability to cope with the day ahead.

If sleep deprivation is a regular occurrence, you may experience some of the following effects:

1) Difficulty concentrating.

2) Lapses in memory.

3) Loss of energy.

4) Fatigue.

5) Emotional instability.

Poor sleep patterns over a longer period of time can contribute to your chances of incurring damage to your health, such as high blood pressure, and the potential for other serious health conditions.

If you regularly suffer from poor sleep, then you will probably be aware of issues such as difficulty in learning and retaining knowledge.

Your memory, and the ability to think clearly, could also suffer if you don’t get the right amount or quality of sleep.

You may also struggle with your feelings and your emotions, which can impact adversely on family life and relationships.

You may also find it difficult to concentrate while driving or operating machinery, which could be extremely hazardous for yourself and those around you.

letting your sleep issues continue, is clearly not something you can allow… you will have to deal with this problem, and for better health and happiness, the sooner the better.

“With My Poor Sleep Patterns I’m Sleepy All Day
What Can I Do to Have a Good Night’s Sleep?”

It’s probably not one step you take, that will send you into regular relaxing sleep.

Reducing stress and worry, would clearly make a major contribution, but there are many small things you can do, that will add up to guide you gently towards a satisfying night’s sleep.

ScreenHunter_02 Jul. 28 23.45I was given a Sunlight Alarm Clock as a Christmas gift, and this has a sweet function that sends you to sleep with its simulated fading sunset.

You may ask yourself why would you need a sun alarm clock at night time? For those of us who are tempted to check our emails, messages, Whats Apps, FB, Messengers, LinkdIn just one more time before snooze land, the clocks little reminder will encourage you to have some wind down time before the sun sets.

Ideally avoiding technology for an hour or two before bed, is the most conducive way to a good nights. sleep, but if that is too challenging, then try at least 15 or 30 minutes using the “sunset” function and see how you feel. This would give you a little time for some evening stretches to ease the stresses of the day, or maybe yoga and meditation.

Another great feature for your evening wind down time, is the optional “mood lighting” with six colours to choose from. Maybe the warm glow of gold or red during the winter months, or cool blues and green – you have the option to change how you feel.

This light and handy little digital clock has so many functions that you can totally personalise – the mood lighting, volume, precisely how you need to be awoken and even the choice of a 15, 30 or even 60 minute sunset to drift off to. For those who are light sensitive, the digital clock display can be dimmed or turned off completely overnight, whilst the clock will still wake you in the morning.

And of course, the FM radio is always an option if that is your preferred way to come back into the land of the living or start your day with a song and even more of a spring in your step!

There’s a huge range of these sunrise/sunset alarm clocks available – there’s one to suit every budget. And if it wakes you up gently in the morning, and send you to sleep sweetly in the night, maybe it’s worth taking a closer look. See them all here > > > Sunrise / Sunset Alarm Clocks

You came to this page because you said – I always feel tired– hopefully, the steps you take will guide you towards deep and satisfying sleep.

We wish you the very best of health…