Can You Save a Loose Tooth from Gum Disease? Yes You Can!

 therapies 12when you putCan you save a loose tooth from gum disease ? – For most people, the surprising answer will be “yes” – but there may be a number of people who need some additional help.

If you follow this article through to the end, I will explain exactly what I mean…

There you are minding your own business, when your tongue presses against a tooth.

With mounting alarm, you have a feeling the tooth moved a little under the pressure from your tongue.

So you start to probe the tooth with your tongue, and maybe gently wiggle it with your finger, somehow in the hope that your tooth is not loose at all.

When you have confirmed that the tooth is indeed slightly loose, you become quite unsettled and you’ll loose tooth starts to play on your mind.

You will hopefully be reassured to know that in answer to your question – Can you save a loose tooth from gum disease ? – There is a completely natural way to destroy gum disease, that you can do at home, allowing your gums to become firm again.

I will give you full details at the end of this article…

Can You Save a Loose Tooth from Gum Disease?
First – You Need to Be Sure What’s Causing It

There are many reasons why your tooth might be loose.

Understanding the different reasons is important, before you undertake any form of treatment to try and correct your loose tooth problem.

Here’s a quick run down of the potential underlying causes of a loose tooth. Gum disease may be a factor, but understanding what can go wrong, will help you make the right decision for you.

Taking the wrong treatment could involve you wasting a lot of time and money, in pursuit of a gum disease treatment that may prove to be ineffective in the long run.

So putting the possibility of gum disease to one side for a moment, let’s take a look at the possible causes for your loose tooth.

Cause of Loose Tooth #1

We tend to trust doctors and dentists… let’s face it – who would willingly entrust their healthcare to someone they didn’t feel was fully competent?

Can you imagine sitting in your dentist’s chair with a nagging feeling that things weren’t going to go well?

Of course not… we all trust our doctors and dentists. They are the people we go to when we need specialist care.

Our doctors and dentists are only human. It happens occasionally that they miss things, or don’t finish a task to the standard they would normally expect to achieve.

It’s possible your loose tooth is the result of a badly fitting crown, although it looks and feels okay, it is actually pressing down on your gums, causing some localised gum recession.

It’s possible that the dentures which have been made for you, are not a precise fit.

Same goes for braces, or bridge work, where the finished product is not quite perfect.

These are all reasons why you could end up with a loose tooth. Any undue pressure on your teeth caused by pre-existing dental work, could potentially be the trigger for a tooth to loosen.

In this instance, the best thing to do, is returned to your dentist and request the problem should be fixed.

Of course, your dentist will be only too keen to correct any work or treatment that doesn’t match best practice.

Cause of Loose Tooth #2

You will no doubt be very aware of any damage to your jaw that may have taken place recently or in the past.

If you have received an impact, by way of a trip or fall, or some sort of accident which caused temporary or permanent damage to your lower or upper jaw, this could result in some ongoing physical stress that could be the cause of loose teeth.

Gum disease may be an additional factor, which I will deal with shortly, but loose teeth due to a physical mishap, could be part of the reason why teeth become loose.

Before you take any other action to remedy the situation, a trip to your dentist for some x-rays, or a scan, would be advisable if there is a chance that bones have been damaged.

Cause of Loose Tooth #3

One area that is often overlooked when looking for the cause of loose teeth, is the part that your personal brushing and flossing may play.

Typically, it will always be good advice to use a brush with soft bristles, although it’s tempting to use a medium or hard bristle brush, in the belief that this will result in cleaner whiter teeth.

However, it is easy to cause damage to your gums with an oral hygiene regime that includes using vigourous brushing with a stiff bristle brush.

Over brushing has been known to trigger gums to start receding, which can weaken the hold that gums have on your teeth.

If your gums begin to shrink back, they can start to let go of the firm grip they have on your teeth, and as a result, you may notice that some teeth are working loose.

Can You Save a Loose Tooth from Gum Disease ?
There’s a Much Worse Health Threat Than a Lost Tooth

Your original question was – can you save a loose tooth from gum disease ?

If you have eliminated all other possibilities, such as previous dental work, trauma to the jaw area, or a dental hygiene regime that may be injurious to your gums, then gum disease is the most likely cause of loose teeth.

Gum disease is a very common trigger for loose teeth.

By working its way down under the gum line, where it’s impossible to clean using conventional brushing and flossing, and with the use of a fluoride toothpaste, gum disease can cause significant damage.

Your problems with gum disease may have already shown up as painful abscesses, sore or bleeding gums, or some pain with your teeth that could have made eating difficult.

You’re not alone. Roughly three quarters of the world’s population will suffer with gum disease at some point in their lives.

Many, like you, will have loose teeth but lack the knowledge and resources to be able to stop the gum disease. For these people, there is every likelihood they will lose their teeth.

A loose or wobbly tooth is a warning that action must be taken immediately to prevent your loose tooth becoming a lost tooth.

Unfortunately, a loose tooth will not firm up by itself. The human body is unable to fight gum disease without some help.

Even worse than the loss of a tooth (or teeth) is the potential for gum disease to get into your bloodstream, where it can threaten your life itself.

There is now a mountain of evidence from top scientists in the US and around the world, proving that gum disease can lead to strokes, heart attacks and cancer.

Doing nothing in the hope your gum disease will clear up, like a cold or the flu, is not a realistic expectation.

“Surely My Dentist Can Fix This Problem!”
“My Dentist Is Really Nice and I Trust Him”

Dentists are fantastic at dealing with problems like filling holes in your teeth, putting crowns on broken teeth, or implanting new teeth – but when it comes to gum disease, they don’t have an answer.

Your dentist will be delighted to remove your loose tooth and give you an implant. He will be happy to scrape your teeth down under the gums in a surgical procedure that is more than a little uncomfortable.

These ineffective solutions are both painful and very costly, as well as financially rewarding for your dentist.

However, the only way to halt gum disease and allow your gums to recover, is to destroy the bacteria and keep on destroying it every day.

Anything your dentist will do might temporarily improve things, but it won’t be a long-term solution, and your gum disease is most likely to return.

By Making Their Gums Strong Again
Some People Are Saving Their Teeth

You cannot reverse gum damage without destroying the bad bacteria that causes gum disease.

Your dentist can’t help you, but there is a natural product called Dental Pro 7, which is being used by thousands of people to improve their gum health and reverse the damage.

Dental Pro 7 was developed some years back by Daniel Sanderson to solve his own gum problems.

It worked so well, that friends and relatives began to ask him to supply them, and before long Daniel made Dental Pro 7 available worldwide.

His business is now so firmly established, and his customer base so widespread, that he now unconditionally guarantees Dental Pro 7 based on the feedback he’s getting from his customers.

Dental Pro 7 is a replacement for your regular toothpaste. Toothpaste is so full of abrasive chemicals, that it actually makes sore and painful gums worse.

By destroying the bad bacteria in your mouth, Dental Pro 7 allows your body to repair it self, just like a cut finger will heal if kept germ free.

The best place to discover more, and read some powerful customer success stories, is to click on this link > > > Dental Pro 7 Website

youAre You Still Unsure What to Do Next?
Having loose teeth is a real challenge. You know you’ve got to do something, because you don’t want to bite into an apple and find your tooth has finally let go, and now there’s a noticeable gap between your teeth.

If you don’t take some positive action without delay, it’s most likely you will lose one or more teeth, so doing nothing is not a reasonable option for you.

Dental Pro 7 has a track record stretching back over the years. It has been successfully destroying bacteria, killing off gum disease and reversing gum damage for quite some time.

If you read some of the experiences that Dental Pro 7 customers have enjoyed, you will perhaps realize this natural product will also work for you. You can reach the website by clicking this link to the manufacturer’s website > > > Dental Pro 7 Website

You originally searched to ask the question – can you save a loose tooth from gum disease – and I sincerely hope the information in this article has been helpful.

We wish you the very best of health…

The Natural Health Concerns Team

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