I Hate Waking up in the Morning but This Makes It Easier

I hate waking up in the morning… how often do people say that, as they drag themselves out of bed?

I’m guessing – pretty often.

But it doesn’t have to be like that… anybody, no matter where they live on the planet, can wake up gently and calmly at any time they choose.

So – “I hate waking up in the morning” could become a thing of the past.


I Hate Waking up in the Morning but
I’m Ready to Change for the Better

Doesn’t it feel amazing to be awoken naturally with the sunlight to greet you? Your day just seems to flow more joyfully when this happens at the perfect moment. Imagine how it would feel to create your very own precisely timed sunrise and sunset…

Yogic and other philosophies encourage us to live within the cycles of nature for optimum health. But for most of us rising at 4am in the peak of summer or sleeping until 7 am during the winter months doesn’t realistically work for the lifestyles we have created.

For those of us who have the best intention of keeping to the natural hours of sunlight and darkness as closely as we can, a little extra help can be welcome anytime but especially during the height of summer and the dark winter months.

“My Sleep Is Vital for My Well-Being and Happiness
so Why Isn’t It Working Well for Me Now?”

The invention of the lightbulb has taken us so far away from nature that many are experiencing a whole range of stress related conditions as a result of this imbalance.

The advent of digital TV, mobile phones and lap tops, has created additional temptation and stimulation with an array of blue light that tells the brain to stay alert.

This has further lured us away from drifting off naturally into that blissful state. An inability to then fall asleep, followed by a restless night or true insomnia has been shown to adversely affect our mental health.

We may feel drowsy, anxious or unable to lead the vital, healthy lifestyle that we would love. And for those who are hoping to conceive, supporting the body’s natural hormone balance with good sleep within the cycles of nature, is even more important.

“What can I do to improve my sleep?”

Sleep experts agree that it is best to create a regular pattern of waking and falling asleep at the same time each day and night, especially for those who are experiencing sleep disturbances.

Making a conscious decision and giving yourself the intention waking you at your desired time, before falling asleep may work but it takes a lot of faith to trust this method and its reliability cannot be guaranteed.

Your black out curtains may provide part of the solution to your sleep problems with blocking out the sun’s rude awakening from a potentially satisfying nights’ sleep. But without the sunlight you will either sleep passed your destined time or be disrupted from possible deep sleep states by a jarring alarm, if you have drifted back to dreamland.

Imagine how it would feel to make this a little more gentle, by setting your preferred time and easing yourself into the world with simulated daylight just when you need it. ..

With Simulated Sunlight Gradually Brightening
Imagine Waking Naturally and Gently Every Day

If you tend to be a little slow and not ready to jump out of bed, the second your alarm presents itself, you can choose to set a lazy 15 minute sunrise.

This is very different from pressing a “snooze” button, that lures you back to dreamland, instead, it gives you the luxury of greeting the morning in your own timing for meditation, contemplation or at the very least, a satisfying yawn and stretch to start your day.

(But if you can’t survive without setting the “snooze”, this thoughtful little clock has that function too!)

If at this point you are laughing out loud with the idea of trusting a gentle light to get you out of bed in the mornings, you can also add the dulcet tones of nature with birdsong or the ocean waves and the volume can even be increased to make sure you don’t ignore its request.

There is a range of similar sunlight alarm clocks. They come at different prices and with slightly different functionality. Click this link to choose the one that’s right for your budget and needs > > > Sunlight Alarm Clocks

You found this page because you said – I hate waking up in the morning – and I hope this article has shed a little light on how you can change the way you feel as you wake.

We wish you restful sleep and a happy awakening…


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