Where to buy a water filtration system and water filters

Where to buy a water filtration systems and where to buy water filters, are questions that more people are asking.

To get the best products and services, you should think about contacting established manufacturers, with experience and a good track record.

These are top water filter experts, manufacturers and suppliers that ship worldwide. You can contact them for specific advice on your situation:

Why do I need a water filtration system?

There are many reasons why harmful impurities get into your home water supply. Some of these are intentional, such as fluoride and chlorine, but many unwanted additives to your drinking water are there accidentally.

Industrial farming produces food for large populations, but to do this, modern farming methods frequently deposit byproducts into the soil, which end up in the water table.

But my drinking water tastes okay!

Taste is not always the most reliable indicator that all is not well with your water supply.

Bacteria can find its way into water supplies, and this can be dangerous healthwise, while imparting no unusual taste to your drinking water.

Farmers in some states and some countries, routinely use glyphosate to kill weeds around crops. It’s fairly well documented that glyphosate is a potential cause of cancer. Rain washes this chemical into the ground, and it will find its way into the water table.

Now the amount that finds its way into your water supply, could be a relatively low dose. However, there is no current research to show what health risks there may be in drinking a very low dose of glyphosate over an extended period of time. You may not be prepared to run the risk to yourself and your family.

How else can water become contaminated?

Heavy industry frequently uses some pretty heavy chemicals to produce the consumer items we take for granted.

Some of these chemicals inevitably leak into the air, or into the ground. Airborne chemicals also end up in the ground, washed down by rainfall.

Sewage leaks may go unnoticed for some time, allowing bacteria to find its way into the local water supply.

While the authorities in charge of delivering water to your home do their best to ensure the water is clean, it’s not possible for them to push water down the pipes that’s always hundred percent free from contaminants, such as chemicals, bacteria, unwanted minerals and particulates.

Is well water safe to drink?

It’s difficult to generalize, but well water is subject to similar problems that affect water piped to your home by a supplier. You may be living away from cities and towns, but chemicals, impurities and bacteria can travel long distances, when they find their way into the water table.

Where can I go for advice?

If you click on the images at the top of this page for Aquasana, Get Berkey, Crystal Quest and FilterWater.com, you will find a wealth of knowledge is available to you.

They will be able to advise you, relevant to your particular situation. They have all been in business for many years, and have a wealth of knowledge to share with you.

You originally searched for – where to buy a water filtration system – where to buy water filters, or something similar… We hope that the information we have supplied will be useful to you, and set you on the road to finding a water filtration system that suits your needs and your budget.

We wish you the very best of health…

The Natural Health Concerns Team


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